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Buckeye Bites Out Hunger

Buckeye Bites Out Hunger

Employees from Buckeye’s corporate headquarters in Houston, Texas volunteered at Houston’s Food Bank as part of the company’s “Buckeye Bites Out Hunger” charity campaign. The Houston Food Bank is America’s largest food bank in terms of distribution, leading hunger relief across 18 southeast Texas counties. Founded in 1982, the Houston Food Bank is a certified member of Feeding America, the nation’s food bank network.

During their time at the Houston Food Bank, Buckeye volunteers worked in the warehouse supporting the Houston Food Bank’s Seniors Box Program. This program provides a monthly box of food to low-income seniors to improve their health, nutrition, and well-being. Buckeye employees, along with other volunteers, worked to package 30,375 meals for seniors in our community.

In addition to employees volunteering their time, Buckeye donated $10,000 as part of our “Buckeye Bites Out Hunger” campaign. Thank you to all our gracious volunteers for working together to give back to our community.

Buckeye Bites Out Hunger

Buckeye Partners is aware of multiple fraudulent sites that are improperly using the Company’s name and trademarks. Please know this is a fraudulent scheme designed to deceive third-parties into believed association with Buckeye. This “spoofing” also includes the use of phony email and social media accounts, such as via LinkedIn, that are not associated with the Company.

Buckeye has reported the matter to the appropriate law enforcement agencies and will continue to take steps to prevent and mitigate this fraud. The Company cannot confirm the accuracy and authenticity of any site other than Click to follow link www.buckeye.com, and individuals are advised to exercise diligence in their dealings with individuals with whom they are not familiar.

Questions or concerns regarding potential fraud should be directed to the Company’s Compliance Hotline at (877) 774-9673 for calls originating from the Continental U.S. or Puerto Rico; (800) 501-6379 for calls originating from The Bahamas; (704) 526-1180 for calls originating from St. Lucia; or through the compliance website at buckeye.ethicspoint.com.